[C con Clase] Declaración e inicialización de punteros y typedef.

marcelinux marcelinator en gmail.com
Vie Mar 2 09:59:05 CET 2018

Después de completar el curso propuesto en esta web me he propuesto complementarlo con el libro de Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming language.
En el capítulo 5 se proponen unos ejercicios, que transcribo.
Me gustaría saber si los he realizado correctamente.
No se me ocurre cómo serían las dos últimas definiciones. Si alguien pudiera
explicarme cómo deberían ser, le estaría muy agradecido.
/* The C++ Programming language
 * Ejercicios del capítulo 5.
 * ej_01	Write declarations for the following:
 *			a pointer to a character,
 *			an array of 10 integers,
 *			a reference to an array of 10 integers,
 *			a pointer to an array of character strings,
 *			a pointer to a pointer to a character,
 *			a constant integer,
 *			a pointer to a constant integer
 *			and a constant pointer to an integer.
 *			Initialize each one.
 * ej_03	Use typedef to define the types:
 *			unsigned char,
 *			const unsigned char,
 *			pointer to integer,
 *			pointer to pointer to char,
 *			pointer to arrays of char,
 *			array of 7 pointers to int,
 *			pointer to an array of 7 pointers to int
 *			and array of 8 arrays of 7 pointers to int.

#include iostream
using namespace std;

void ej_01()
	char c = 'M';
	cout << "char c = " << c << '\n';

	// a pointer to a character
	char* pc = &c;
	cout << "char* pc = " << pc << " apunta a c = " << *pc << '\n';

	// an array of 10 integers
	int arr_i[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 32};
	cout << "arr_i[10] ... " << arr_i[0] << '\n';

	// a reference to an array of 10 integers
	int (&ref_i)[10] = arr_i;
	cout << "ref_i = " << ref_i << " hace referencia a " << ref_i[0] << '\n';

	// a pointer to an array of character strings
	char* arr_c[] = {"primero",
	cout << "arr_c[] ... " << arr_c[0] << " .. o .. " << *arr_c << '\n';

	// a pointer to a pointer to a character
	char** ppc = arr_c;
	cout << "ppc = " << ppc << " que apunta a " << *ppc << '\n';

	// a constant integer
	const int ci = 356;
	cout << "ci = " << ci << '\n';

	// a pointer to a constant integer
	const int* pci = &ci;
	cout << "pci = " << pci << " que apunta a " << *pci << '\n';

	// a constant pointer to an integer
	int ii = 88;
	int *const icons = ⅈ
	cout << "icons = " << icons << " que apunta a " << *icons << '\n';

void ej_03()
	// unsigned char
	typedef unsigned char uchar_t;
	uchar_t uc = 179;
	cout << "unsigned char 179 se representa con " << uc << '\n';

	// const unsigned char
	typedef const unsigned char cuchar_t;
	cuchar_t cuc = 179;
	cout << "const unsigned char 179 se representa con " << cuc << '\n';

	//pointer to integer
	typedef int* pint_t;
	int i = 6;
	pint_t pi = &i;
	cout << "pointer to integer sobre i = 6 está en " << pi << " y contiene " << *pi << '\n';

	//pointer to pointer to char
	typedef char** ppchar_t;
	char ch1 = 'c';
	char* pch1 = &ch1;
	ppchar_t ppch1 = &pch1;
	cout << "pointer to pointer to char está en " << ppch1
		<< " y contiene " << *ppch1
		<< " que es, a su vez " << **ppch1 << '\n';

	// pointer to arrays of char --->>> es equivalente a pointer to pointer to char

	//array of 7 pointers to int
	int i7_1, i7_2, i7_3, i7_4, i7_5, i7_6, i7_7;
	i7_7 = i7_6 = i7_5 = i7_4 = i7_3 = i7_2 = i7_1 = 101;
	typedef int* pint7_t;
	pint7_t i7[7] = {&i7_1, &i7_2, &i7_3, &i7_4, &i7_5, &i7_6, &i7_7};
	cout << "array of 7 pointers to int: " << i7[0] << " => " << *i7[0]
			<< ", " << i7[1] << " => " << *i7[1]
			<< ", " << i7[2] << " => " << *i7[2]
			<< ", " << i7[3] << " => " << *i7[3]
			<< ", " << i7[4] << " => " << *i7[4]
			<< ", " << i7[5] << " => " << *i7[5]
			<< ", " << i7[6] << " => " << *i7[6] << '\n';

	//pointer to an array of 7 pointers to int

	//array of 8 arrays of 7 pointers to int

int main()
	return 0;

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